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Understand and refine your brand positioning with the Brand template

Want to gauge your brand's performance compared to competitors? Want to delve into awareness of, perceptions of and interactions with your brand? Want to uncover the motivations and barriers behind purchases of your brand? This is the right template for you.

Who can you speak to with this template?

Reach across multiple markets

You can get rich responses from real people across 22 different markets.

Qualitative responses at scale

You can collect responses from 150-1,000 people per market, depending on the markets selected.

Use our audience, or supply your own

You can use the template to speak to our community of consumers or your own customer base.

What will you discover with this template?

Motivations & Barriers

Uncover the specific elements of your brand that encourage people to engage with it, as well as the elements that are blocking engagement and therefore, require improvement. These insights will play a vital role in helping you develop brand refinement and communication strategies.

Associations & Perceptions

Delve into the perceived values and personality of your brand in the eyes of your audience, including what they think your brand represents, what they associate with it and what persona they would ascribe to it. These insights will give you a well-rounded understanding of how your brand is currently perceived, both as a whole and among specific audience groups.

Metrics & Funnel

Reveal how your brand performs across the awareness, consideration and usage funnel and identify its competitive advantage in areas such as trust, quality and perceived value. These insights will give you a clear perspective on the success of your branding and marketing efforts.

What type of business question can you answer with this template?

Does our audience associate our brand mission and values with our products?

You can uncover associations with your brand e.g. understanding if your audience associates your brand mission and values with your products and if this impacts their purchasing decision and why.

How is the introduction of eco-friendly packaging impacting perceptions of our brand?

You can uncover perceptions of your brand e.g. understanding perceptions of and acceptance of the eco-friendly packaging shift in your products and its influence on brand reputation and loyalty.

Why are customers not remaining loyal to our brand in the current market conditions?

You can uncover motivations and barriers for your brand e.g. understanding brand loyalty among your customers in a changeable marketplace and identifying the factors that influence it.

Is our audience finding value in the cost and quality of our service?

You can uncover performance against certain metrics e.g. understanding customer satisfaction surrounding the perceived value of your service and the effect of these satisfaction levels on areas like trustworthiness and referrals.

How it works

How does SBX turn rich conversations into robust data?

You’re no longer restricted to a static list of questions. Instead, our LLM-powered chatbot will create unique conversation paths for each respondent to dig deeper into their specific answers and discover the nuance behind the numbers.

However, to ensure every conversation captures the information needed to support or challenge your hypothesis, SBX will create a conversation guide as part of your research brief. This will include the questions the chatbot must ask during the conversation.


These parent dimensions are part of the Brand template and will ensure that all of the data points needed to answer your business question are gathered during our conversations with consumers or customers.


The parent dimensions are then tailored based on your specific brief. In this case, the brief was centred around understanding perceptions of a specific clothing brand.


Lastly, the tool transforms these dimensions into a list of survey questions, which will be optimised in real time based on what the respondent says. This ensures the chatbot is able to delve deeper into their responses, just like a qualitative interviewer would, to get to the ‘why’. 

Brand Funnel

Awareness of this clothing brand.

Which of the following clothing brands have you heard of? Select all that apply.

Brand Funnel

Usage of this clothing brand.

Which of the following clothing brands have you tried before? Select all that apply.

Brand Funnel

Consideration of this clothing brand.

Which of the following clothing brands would you consider trying in future? Select all that apply.

Brand Funnel

Preference for this clothing brand over competitors.

What is the main brand of clothing that you wear?

Drivers & Barriers

Reasons for choice of preferred clothing brand.

From what you know of the brand, how do you think clothing brand’s compare to this brand?

Drivers & Barriers

Motivations for using this clothing brand.

From what you know about clothing brand products, what do you like about them? What do you find appealing about the brand / product?

Drivers & Barriers

Packaging design and messaging effectiveness.

In your opinion, do you like clothing brand’s packaging design?

Drivers & Barriers

Dissatisfaction with this clothing brand.

What do you not like about clothing brand’s? What would you improve about the brand?

Associations & Perceptions

What does this clothing brand stand for?

What words or phrases come to mind when you think of the clothing brand?

Associations & Perceptions

What words do you associate with this clothing brand?

If this clothing brand came to life as a person, what personality traits would you associate with the clothing brand? What would they be like?

Associations & Perceptions

What personality traits do you associate with this clothing brand?

Can you describe what you think this clothing brand stands for as a brand?

Associations & Perceptions

What would you say are this clothing brand's values?

From your perspective, what would you say are clothing brand's values?

Key Metrics

Ranking of this clothing brand (value for money)

On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate this clothing brand in terms of value for money? Assume 1 indicates poor value for money and 5 indicates high value for money.

Key Metrics

Ranking of this clothing brand (quality)

On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate this clothing brand in terms of quality? Assume 1 indicates poor quality and 5 indicates high quality.

Key Metrics

Ranking of this clothing brand (trust)

On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate this clothing brand in terms of trust? Assume 1 indicates low trust and 5 indicates high trust.

Brand Purpose, Values & Mission

Values that a brand in the clothing space must champion

In your view, what values should a brand in the clothing category champion?

Show full example survey dimension guide
Hide full example survey dimension guide

How have other brands used this template?


Uncovering brand perceptions and the drivers behind them.

One of the world’s largest carbonated soft drinks manufacturers wanted to determine if consumers perceived one of their brands as childish and if so, what factors were contributing to this.


Comparing brand perceptions with a direct competitor.

A leading food manufacturer wanted to compare perceptions of one of its rice products with a direct competitor to identify strengths, weaknesses and actions for improvement.


Enhancing customer loyalty through positioning and messaging

A leading premium spirits company sought to understand the aspirational values and emotions associated with four of its whisky brands in order to improve the strength of customer connections.


Determining the impact of certain products on overall brand perception.

One of the world’s leading chocolate malt beverage brands wanted to understand if its product extensions were positively or negatively impacting overall brand perceptions and why.

Frequently asked 

What sample can I target?

What information do I need to provide about a product or concept I’d like to test?

How many key variable cuts can I have?

Can I add my own questions to my survey?

Do you offer immediate response collection and delivery?

More templates


  • Motivations & Barriers: Why are fewer people purchasing organic food products? 
  • Usage: Which conditions are people more commonly using natural remedies to treat? 
  • Preferences: What are the top preferences when it comes to electric vehicles?

Category Exploration

Enhance the adoption of your product or service by understanding habits, behaviours and preferences. 


  • Products & Services: Would the market be receptive to a new pet grooming subscription service?
  • Features: Are audiences prepared for multi-angle viewing on their streaming services? 
  • Ideas: Is there public backing for expanded green zones in major UK cities?


Create or refine a best-fit product or service by testing your new or existing concepts with your target audience.


  • Definitions: How do pet owners judge the ‘healthiness’ of the food they buy their pets? 
  • Relevance & Impact: Is sustainability relevant for mobile phone customers? 
  • Engagement & Consideration: How can I improve perceptions of my brand's quality among millennials?

Trends & Topics

Grow your brand in a specific segment by identifying what a specific topic, concept or trend means to your audience. 

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