‘Can you use ChatGPT to chat to your consumers?’ Part 1: Here’s what we’ve learnt about the impact of GPT-4 on consumer research briefs

Emily Kavanagh
June 16, 2023

Large Language Models, like ChatGPT, have been causing quite a stir lately. Businesses have started applying this new technology across lots of different functions, but what do these AI advancements mean for consumer insights? Where can GPT technology be incorporated into the research pipeline and what kind of impact will it have?

Here at Streetbees, we’ve been doing a lot of work to understand how ChatGPT can be used to make consumer research faster, cheaper and more accessible. Here’s what we’ve learnt so far:

1. Briefing will get 10x faster

2. Pre-determined surveys will be replaced by in-depth conversations

3. Insights will become instant

In this three-part newsletter series, we’ll delve into each of these areas to bring you up to speed on what’s next for consumer research. 

Let’s start at the beginning. You can expect briefing to get 10x faster.

A clear brief is essential for large, strategic research projects. It outlines the research questions, the project parameters and the scope. However, these long and detailed briefs aren’t always necessary when it comes to smaller, ad-hoc projects. They can be time-consuming to create and there’s often a lot of back-and-forth throughout the proposal and bidding process. 

With the introduction of GPT-4 technology, this step is about to become 10x faster!

We’ve been testing this with our new Consumer Insights Co-Pilot tool, SBX. Instead of creating a full research brief, you only need a targeted business question to get your smaller, ad-hoc projects up and running. 

Using eight years of training data and expertise in consumer research, our GPT-powered tool can skip the briefing process and can convert your business question straight into a survey plan. How does it do this? Using natural language processing, the tool is capable of interpreting the business question you type into it and is able to translate this into a survey plan using a combination of GPT technology and the numerous research assets it’s been trained on.

 No more long briefing and proposal processes. You’ll be able to dedicate more time to the integral parts of the project, like developing the business and research questions you want to answer.

Here’s what we’ve learnt from testing this with our tool

Over the course of running these experiments, we’ve learnt a few things about how to get the most from GPT-4. 

1. The quality of the initial input still matters.  Just as the initial brief is critical to the success of a larger, more strategic project, the business question is critical to the success of a smaller, ad-hoc project. In short, the more effort you put in at the beginning to make the question targeted and specific, the better the output you can expect from the tool. 

2. The human touch is still key. Much like ChatGPT, for the tool to truly understand what is being asked of it, it is critical that the business question is clearly articulated. Human expertise is needed at this initial stage and there will now be more time to focus on this, as you no longer need to spend as much time creating a full research brief. 

Check out our latest Streetbees Shares webinar ‘Can you use ChatGPT to chat to your consumers. Here’s what we’ve learnt.’ to hear more about the implications of GPT technology on the briefing process, along with survey generation and reporting. 

We’ll be back next week to share how these new advancements are going to facilitate faster and more frequent conversations with consumers.  

Can you use ChatGPT to chat to your consumers