Did you know? 3 in 4 consumers are likely to recommend a product or a brand they like to others. Brand loyalty isn’t just about a one-off fling - it’s a long-term relationship. Our latest Streetbees research has revealed the ingredients that make consumers fall head over heels for a brand and what brands can do to keep that spark alive. We spoke to over 20,000 consumers across 16 global markets to find out what’s really behind that consumer connection.
Integrity and honesty are non-negotiables
When it comes to personal values, integrity and honesty lead the way, with 71% of consumers placing them at the top of their list. Compassion and empathy follow at 44%, while innovation and creativity rank at 35%, alongside freedom and independence. Tradition and heritage come last at just 7%, showing that consumers are more focused on what’s current, ethical, and real rather than being nostalgic. If your brand aligns with the personal values of your audience - such as integrity, you're on the right track to tick their boxes.

Catch their eye with quality and affordability
Want to win the hearts of your competitor's customers? Loyal customers will be tempted to turn their backs on brands if competitors offer better quality products (74%), lower prices (46%), more innovative features (31%), better availability (25%) or better sustainability and ethical practices (17%). But watch your back - what you can do, they can do too!

Nothing beats an ‘organic’ introduction
Using our end-to-end agile insights platform, SBX, all 20,000 consumers were able to upload a photo of the brand they’re most loyal to - the submissions covered all categories from food and beverage to beauty and personal care, to fashion and accessories, consumer electronics and more.
When asked how they discovered these beloved brands, the top responses were family introduction (24%), in-store discovery (20%) and friend recommendation (17%). Interestingly, only 3% of consumers mentioned influencer recommendations and internet searches. Sure, dating in the real world has gone online, but when it comes to meeting new customers, getting set up and IRL introductions is still where the magic happens.
76% of consumers think that their brand offers good value for money and for 45% of consumers, product quality and durability are what they like most about their favourite brand.

How to keep the spark alive
Once you’ve got them, what makes consumers stay (loyal)? A massive 71% of respondents say it’s high quality of products, while 60% are loyal because of quality consistency. This is followed by product availability (36%), competitive pricing (35%) and brand reputation (34%). We hate to be the one’s to say it but emotional connections only make a dent at 17%. So, if you’re not delivering on quality or if you’re hard to get a hold of, you’re toast! Consumers are loyal to brands they can count on to keep the bar raised.
The 5-year test of true loyalty
It’s not just about a fling - it’s about commitment. 43% of consumers have stuck with their brand for 2-5 years, 23% of consumers have stayed loyal for 6-10 years, but only 5% have remained loyal for 16-20 years. The lesson? Brands need to nurture that bond past the honeymoon phase to ensure long-term loyalty.
What could drive your customers away?
What red flags may lead you to lose a loyal customer? A dip in product quality (40%), price increase (36%) and product unavailability (15%) are the top factors mentioned by respondents. Counteract this and strengthen loyalty by maintaining quality (29%), innovating products (26%), reducing prices (23%) and offering discounts/promotions (17%).

How can you go from the ‘first like’ to together forever?
When asked how they prefer to engage with the brands they like, 64% mentioned social media, followed by participating in loyalty programs (35%), engaging via customer service or feedback (30%) and attending brand events/experiences (23%). To keep consumers loyal, it’s all about finding that perfect balance:
- Get out from behind the screen. Consumers still prefer in-person over virtual meet-cutes with their favourite brands.
- Strike a balance between emotional and practical marketing. Today's consumer wants to know facts before stories.
- Reward loyalty with loyalty programs and incentives- they go a long way in strengthening relationships.
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Want to learn more about what today’s Gen Z consumers really want? Download our latest insights whitepaper and find out how Gen Z values, quality, and innovation are shaping today’s market landscape and how your brand can stay ahead of the curve using our 7 key findings.

Download the full report here and start building stronger relationships with your Gen Z customers.